Dedicated server hosting USA

How to boost the performance of DEDICATED SERVER?

Hostrunway provides best infra to host your applications in our data center. We also support to share various methods of improving the performance of your servers. The various method includes:

  • Caching:- Enable caching of your server. It helps to boost the performance of your server. It help to reduce the load of your dedicated server. Various locations in which you can enable cache are:-
    • HTTP cache: – HTTP cache store the HTML pages. With the help of HTTP cache whenever same page is opened then it is immediately served. It is the fastest and best for the websites having high traffic load.
    • Memory Cache: – Memory cache stores the data generated by apps in the system memory. Whenever request some data is requested without the need of server processing.

Also read – Benefits of Hosting Dedicated Server with 256 IPs

  • SSD Drives: – SSD drives comes with better IOPs and shifting your server to SSD drives helps to boost the performance of your server.
  • Resource intensive services: – Look into the services running into the server. Disable those services which you don’t require. It will save RAM and CPU use age of server. Overall the performance of server will increase. Heavy Services like back up can be scheduled during the night time. It will help to make optimum use of resources without affecting the performance of the server.
Jason Verge is an technical author with a wealth of experience in server hosting and consultancy. With a career spanning over a decade, he has worked with several top hosting companies in the United States, lending his expertise to optimize server performance, enhance security measures, and streamline hosting infrastructure.


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